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Entrevista de Frank Ocean para GQ

Se me hizo raro ver en el mi correo una notificación de una entrevista a Frank Ocean. Pero fue algo sutil. Como una disonancia cognitiva. Poco a poco entendí: Frank Ocean no da entrevistas tan seguido.

Fragmento que me estimula a parafrasear a Frank:

VEGYN: With that in mind, do you think there's any misconceptions people might have about you that you're trying to confront? 
OCEAN: I feel like between the numbers of zero to ten, in between every number there's infinity, you know? I would describe a person as the space between the symbols, beyond the language. That dissonance—the word being a big container for what I was feeling…the way I was seen was not even close to correct. It's still not correct, either. 
With some pop stars, the idea of them is maybe more balanced or fully formed: a half-dozen magazine covers, x amount of interviews, a daily influx of media. There's a way you wanna be in the visual press, although you could potentially be misrepresented; when you're completely minimal with media, there's a lot of pressure on whatever one thing you're doing, the stakes are higher. Social media helps that, 'cause you're fully in control and can message that how you want.

La entrevista es parte de la renovación de GQ en Estados Unidos.

Al mismo tiempo me enteré que hay un nuevo editor-in-chief en GQ. Tiene una carta/manifiesto para la nueva época que presidirá Will Welch.

Con lo que Welch cierra su carta y abre su era:
This new iteration of GQ might not be for everyone. But especially in this niche-driven era, if you try to be everything to everyone, you end up not being much of anything to anyone. So we're making GQ less a big tent and more the only place to go when you want a rich, intelligent, and transportive plunge into all the stylishness the world has to offer. Times have changed, but isn't that what GQ has always been about? I think so. Let's dive in.

Links: Frank Ocean on Making His Instagram Public, His Skin-Care Routine, and Moving to NYC | GQ || Welcome to a Whole New Era of GQ | GQ