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Historias de sexo en cuarentena

Dos cosas que he sacado de esta cuarentena ha sido que obtuve mi cuenta verificada en Tinder; lo otro, es una situación muy sexosa.

En Jezebel recopilan una serie de relatos de lo que han arriesgado algunos por sexo durante esta cuarentena. 

He was extremely nervous, but not about Covid. He talked a lot about his ex girlfriend, who apparently moved out/left him after 3 years while he was out of town one weekend. Like, she just left him a note saying “we’re over and you’ll never see me again.”

I felt sorry for him, but also wondered why she felt she had to do it that way; was he fucked up or abusive or something? We had sex a couple times, and it was fine. I didn’t get off. He kept saying “fucking goddamn you, [name]” while he was fucking me, which I didn’t really understand. I got my period immediately after our second session, and I didn’t have a tampon, so he drove me home. The next day, I asked him if he was down to hang out again later in the week, and he responded by saying he was freaking out and that I was the only woman he’d been with since his ex, and could I please let him have a few weeks before we see each other again.

Me ha tocado decir el nombre de otra persona durante una sesión de sexo. Más que encabronarse conmigo, empezaron a tener la fascinación de quién era la persona que había invocado.