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Petals for Amor - Hayley Williams

Escuché el disco de Hayley Williams "Petals for Armor" durante el fin de semana pero ahora entiendo que no soy su público meta.

The album is a release in multiple senses of the word for Williams. It’s her first record without the band that made her famous when she was still a teenager (though her bandmates, Taylor York and Joey Howard, worked with her on the writing and recording of the album, this project stands apart from their work as a unit). Emotionally and lyrically explicit, Petals for Armor touches on raw nerve after raw nerve: the breakdown of her marriage, her grandmother’s declining health, and the inherited trauma that has been passed down through the women in her family. “Every woman in my family on my mom’s side... they’ve all been abused in almost every sense of the word,” she told The New York Times. She began writing the album after entering intensive therapy for the first time, and being diagnosed with depression and PTSD. Trauma echoes through the lyrics, which often speak specifically to women. “I think of all the wilted women/ Who crane their necks to reach a window,” she sings on “Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris”.