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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Crónicas del coronavirus

Guía para vida sexual post-covid

Hay personas que se han vacunado y que andan horny. Hay otros que siempre han estado horny incluso durante la pandemia y el siguiente enlace ya les sea meh. Link:  Is oral sex more Covid-safe than kissing? The expert guide to a horny, healthy summer

El Medievo no entendió su plaga. Por naturaleza humana, tampoco entendemos este coronavirus

  Theirs was a mysterious bacteria spreading at a time when people didn’t yet understand disease transmission; ours, a novel virus infiltrating a world that prides itself on its medical knowledge. But in both cases, the first instinct was to close borders to try to keep the disease at bay. When that didn’t work, officials called for strict rules — but only some people paid attention. All the while, there was a proliferation of conspiracy theories. Many tried to blame the disease on outsiders or minorities — in medieval Europe, often Jews. Link: Medieval Europeans didn’t understand how the plague spread. Their response wasn’t so different from ours now.

La transformación de la Literatura por la influenza española

Hay una bibliografia muy interesante sobre la intersección del modernismo angloamericano y la epidemia de influenza alrededor de los años de 1918-1919. If you are interested in pandemic literature, there’s a lot of great things. I think Katherine Anne Porter’s novella Pale Horse, Pale Rider is one of the best pieces of literature we have specifically on the 1918 pandemic. It’s absolutely terrific. William Maxwell’s They Came Like Swallows is a short, beautiful, elegiac novel about the 1918 pandemic. It’s quite sad but it’s really beautiful. I think reading things like W.B. Yeats’ “The Second Coming” or Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway or T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land”—these are difficult texts, but this is a moment where you could see that they do match our mood. Link:  The 1918 Flu Pandemic Changed Literature More Than You Think

El origen del N95 es un bra

La forma del cubrebocas por excelencia del coronavirus asemeja un brasiere. Todo el mundo lo ve, intuitivamente. Es correcta esa observación. Like most nondescript and pervasive products, not many people stop to think about where it came from. Now, owing to the attention placed on it as a key tool in the health care professional’s fight against coronavirus, the woman behind the mask has come to the forefront. Her name is Sara Little Turnbull, and she designed what would become the N95 based on the shape of a bra cup. Link: Remembering Sara Little Turnbull, Whose Bra Cup Design Became the N95 Mask

Las lecciones de Mongolia, Senegal, Ghana y Cuba contra el Covid-19

Mongolia registra cero muertes por Covid-19 Mongolia has had the best COVID-19 response in the world. Not only do they have zero deaths, they have zero local transmissions. Mongolia didn’t flatten the curve or crush the curve — they were just like ‘fuck curves’. In Mongolia, there simply wasn't an epidemic at all. And no, they didn’t just get lucky. Starting in January, Mongolia executed a perfect public health response, and they have never let up the pressure since. COVID-19 did not just leave Mongolia alone. Mongolia kicked its ass. [ Link ] La situación en Ghana y Senegal Ghana, with a population of 30 million, has a similar death toll to Senegal, partly because of an extensive system of contact tracing, utilising a large number of community health workers and volunteers, and other innovative techniques such as “pool testing”, in which multiple blood samples are tested and then followed up as individual tests only if a positive result is found. The advantages in this approach a

Los cubrebocas de Ai Weiwei

Inspired by a documentary he’s making about COVID-19, the artist decided to create an entire collection after printing his iconic middle finger onto one of the disposable cloths. “An individual wearing a mask makes a gesture; a society wearing masks combats a deadly virus. And a society that wears masks because of the choices of individuals, rather than because of the directive of authorities, can defy and withstand any force. No will is too small and no act too helpless,” he writes on Instagram. While masks have become a ubiquitous symbol for the COVID-19 crisis, many of the inky renderings hearken back to Ai’s ongoing commitment to humanitarian efforts. Link:  Ai Weiwei Has Designed Face Masks to Raise Funds for COVID-19 Relief

Cómo ataca el coronavirus al cuerpo

Today, there is widespread recognition the novel coronavirus is far more unpredictable than a simple respiratory virus. Often it attacks the lungs, but it can also strike anywhere from the brain to the toes. Many doctors are focused on treating the inflammatory reactions it triggers and its capacity to cause blood clots, even as they struggle to help patients breathe. Learning about a new disease on the fly, with more than 78,000 U.S. deaths attributed to the pandemic, they have little solid research to guide them. The World Health Organization’s database already lists more than 14,600 papers on covid-19. Even the world’s premier public health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have constantly altered their advice to keep pace with new developments.  Link:  Doctors keep discovering new ways the coronavirus attacks the body

Origen de la palabra gripe

Este hilo de Twitter me hizo pensar que he utilizado la palabra gripe, heredada de mis padres y abuelos. El vocablo al parecer se refería a la fiebre española. THREAD: This weekend, a relative shared with me two pages of a letter that describes the Spanish flu (aka “grippe”) as it affected our family in Fresno in Nov 1918. This is a letter from my great-great-grandfather, Sidney Forward Hadsell, to my great-grandfather, Dan Hadsell. THREAD: This weekend, a relative shared with me two pages of a letter that describes the Spanish flu (aka “grippe”) as it affected our family in Fresno in Nov 1918. This is a letter from my great-great-grandfather, Sidney Forward Hadsell, to my great-grandfather, Dan Hadsell. — Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar) May 4, 2020 Link: Twitter

El coronavirus es polio

The long-term illnesses that can follow viral infections can be devastating — and are devastatingly common. In 2015, the nation’s top medical advisory body, the Institute of Medicine, estimated that between 800,000 and 2.5 million U.S. residents live with the illness or illnesses awkwardly named myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). An estimated three-quarters of these cases were triggered by viral or bacterial infections. Now, as a new pandemic virus is burning through the world and causing many deaths, researchers are raising alarms that the novel coronavirus and the covid-19 disease it causes will also leave in its wake a potentially large population with post-viral problems that could be lifelong and, in some cases, disabling. Link:  Researchers warn covid-19 could cause debilitating long-term illness in some patients

El error de China

A un nivel antropológico tipo Armas, gérmenes y acero , China desperdició una gran oportunidad para convertirse en el nuevo líder global.  Link:  China Blew a Chance at Global Leadership Responding to Covid-19

La diferencia que hace un millón de N95

En una pandemia, la cifra debe ronda el billón de piezas.  On April 2, the New England Patriots’ team plane left China with mundane but suddenly precious cargo: 1.2 million N95 respirators, a critical type of mask that protects health-care workers treating patients who have infectious diseases. Was that a big stash? In normal, pre-covid-19 times, the answer would be yes. Most hospitals buy just a few thousand N95s per year, according to a company that negotiates purchasing contracts. In the frenzied weeks of March and April, when the trickle of covid-19 patients suddenly grew into a deluge, the answer was a hard no. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Robert Kadlec had testified in February that the United States would need 3.5 billion N95s in a serious pandemic. By March, hospitals in areas with large outbreaks reported burning through the one-time-use masks at up to 10 times their normal rates. Now in mid-May, as emergency supply lines have begun to kick in and reuse of hos

Historias de sexo en cuarentena

Dos cosas que he sacado de esta cuarentena ha sido que obtuve mi cuenta verificada en Tinder; lo otro, es una situación muy sexosa. En Jezebel recopilan una serie de relatos de lo que han arriesgado algunos por sexo durante esta cuarentena.  He was extremely nervous, but not about Covid. He talked a lot about his ex girlfriend, who apparently moved out/left him after 3 years while he was out of town one weekend. Like, she just left him a note saying “we’re over and you’ll never see me again.” I felt sorry for him, but also wondered why she felt she had to do it that way; was he fucked up or abusive or something? We had sex a couple times, and it was fine. I didn’t get off. He kept saying “fucking goddamn you, [name]” while he was fucking me, which I didn’t really understand. I got my period immediately after our second session, and I didn’t have a tampon, so he drove me home. The next day, I asked him if he was down to hang out again later in the week, and he responded by saying he was

Los rusos son mexicanos

Esto podría ser México. Russians are running out of money after six weeks of lockdown and minimal government support, adding to pressure that pushed President Vladimir Putin to start reopening the economy even as total infections surged to the second-highest in the world. Almost half of Russians have either no savings or just enough to cover them for four weeks, according to a new survey. Link:  Russians Struggling to Survive Add Pressure to End Lockdown

Propagan políticas migratorias de Trump virus por Centroamérica

En una conversación sin fines periodísticos, un funcionario estatal me comentó de este escenario para México, y en específico para Ciudad Juárez. In mid-April, the authorities said that seventy-four cases had originated from just two deportation flights. U.S. officials considered this an exaggeration, and sent scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct tests. Those results confirmed the Guatemalan government’s analysis: when twelve deportees were selected at random, they all tested positive. By the end of the month, roughly twenty per cent of the nearly seven hundred confirmed cases of covid-19 in Guatemala were people who had been deported from the U.S. “We must not stigmatize,” Monroy said. “But I have to speak clearly. The arrival of deportees who have tested positive has really increased the number of cases.” The United States, he added, had become “the Wuhan of the Americas.” Link:  The Trump Administration’s Deportation Policy Is Spreading the Coron

Gana batalla a coronavirus tras internamiento de 64 días

El sistema inmune de Gregg Garfield se lo estaba comiendo vivo. Gregg Garfield was in the hospital due to coronavirus for 64 days. For 31 of those days, he was on a ventilator. Garfield, 54, was "patient zero" at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, California, about 10 miles north of Los Angeles. He had a 1% chance of survival. And he beat the odds, leaving the hospital on Friday. He became ill and was hospitalized after a February trip to northern Italy — an early source of coronavirus infections — with a dozen of his friends. "The disease kicked off, and my immune system just ate me alive,” Garfield told KCAL-TV in Los Angeles. Link:  California man with 1% chance of survival released from hospital after two-month COVID-19 battle

Refinan arsenal de tratamientos vs Covid-19

En ocasiones, los pacientes infectados por el coronavirus llegan a estar internados hasta por seis semanas. Now, for the first time since a wave of patients flooded their emergency rooms in March, Pascual and others on the front lines are expressing a feeling they say they haven’t felt in a long time — glimmers of hope. They say they have devised a toolbox, albeit a limited and imperfect one, of drugs and therapies many believe give today’s patients a better shot at survival than those who came only a few weeks before. To be clear, these are not therapies proved to kill or stop the virus. They range from protocols to diagnose and treat dangerous, but sometimes invisible, breathing problems that can be an early warning of covid-19 in some people, to efforts to reduce the illness’s severity or length. At this stage, they are still experimental approaches by doctors desperate to find ways to help gravely ill people and throwing everything they can think of at the problem. [...] One challe

Deja coronavirus secuelas graves en salud: reporte

Funcionarios de Salud en el Reino Unido califican al covid-19 como el "polio de esta generación". More than one million people around the world have been deemed recovered from the coronavirus, but beating the initial sickness may be just the first of many battles for those who have survived. Some recovered patients report breathlessness, fatigue and body pain months after first becoming infected. Small-scale studies conducted in Hong Kong and Wuhan, China show that survivors grapple with poorer functioning in their lungs, heart and liver. And that may be the tip of the iceberg. The coronavirus is now known to attack many parts of the body beyond the respiratory system, causing damage from the eyeballs to the toes, the gut to the kidneys. Patients’ immune systems can go into overdrive to fight off the infection, compounding the damage done. [...] The prospect led Nicholas Hart, the British physician who treated Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to call the virus “this generation’s

Laboratorio veterinario, el mejor punto para procesar pruebas de Covid-19

Inside the brick lab, Jerry Ritchey, a veterinary pathologist who was interim director at the time, was thinking about numbers. The tests would be run in the molecular diagnostics section headed by Ramachandran, which already had FDA-approved machines capable of running up to 2,000 coronavirus tests a day. “Previously it was used for animals, and now it’s being used for a different kind of animal,” Ritchey said. “A coronavirus at the end of a nasal swab, it doesn’t really matter if it came from a cow, a pig or a person — it’s going to be tested the exact same way.” Link:  This veterinary lab is the linchpin in one state’s coronavirus testing approach

Una (posible) cura para el Covid-19 es un medicamento para gatos, que se encuentra prohibido para su comercialización

Un fármaco similar a los efectos benéficos que proporciona el remdesivir es empleado para tratar un coronavirus felinos.  ¿Yay? Olvidaba decir que el antiviral está prohibido para su uso. Sólo se consigue en el mercado negro de proveedores chinos. [A] remarkable thing is that GS-441524 is almost identical to a much buzzed-about human drug: remdesivir, the antiviral currently our best hope for treating COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Although early data suggest that the drug shortens recovery time at best, Anthony Fauci has touted remdesivir from the White House. The Food and Drug Administration has authorized it for emergency use. And Gilead Sciences, the company that makes remdesivir, is donating 1.5 million doses of the drug amidst the pandemic. Gilead invented and patented GS-441524, too. Its scientists co-authored the UC Davis studies showing effectiveness against FIP. But the company has refused to license GS-441524 for animal use, out of fear that its simil

El boom del porno casero por las complicaciones económicas de la cuarentena

“If you’re getting into adult entertainment right now, make sure that you’re not going to talk shit about it in two months. If it paid your rent for these times, at least have some level of respect for it and yourself,” said Romi Rain, during a webinar organized by the Free Speech Coalition. Link:  Everyone Is Making Porn At Home Now. Will The Porn Industry Survive?